When to Apply Courage
Courage is required at every step of the innovation process. From defining the problem to ideating new possibilities to designing and conducting experiments where the outcome is uncertain. Courage is required at every step of the process.

"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.'"
– Mary Anne Radmacher
American Author
How to Practice Courage
Suspend Negativity: People are prone to put more weight to negative outcomes over positive outcomes. Recognize this and put as much effort into considering positive outcomes as you do for negative outcomes.
Create Scenarios: Imagine the worst outcome from a given action and the outcome if you did not act. Identifying risks in advance can build immunity to your fears.
Build the Habit: The best way to think of courage is to treat it as a muscle. While not everyone is created equal, we all have the ability to improve through training and practice. Try to speak up when you believe something is not right in your everyday and/or challenge yourself to take a stand when it matters.
Support Network: Identify internal partners to consult with. Sometimes additional perspectives can embolden you to make the right choices.
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Deliberate Courage Guide

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