Tools in the Learn Phase

Concept Analyzer
This technique ensures thoughtful measurement and assessment of a concept in order to identify weak points and subsequently to strengthen through iteration.

Concept Portfolio
A useful tool for evaluating and prioritizing which ideas to move forward in the idea building process based on 2-3 criteria.

Concept Modeling
This technique ensures you are collaboratively building actionable ideas rather than just capturing thoughts. We do this by driving iteration and going beyond words, bringing an idea to life through clay, plasticine, or any moldable material.

Killer Assumptions
This technique is a stepwise process that inventories and prioritizes the MOST important assumptions. so that you have the best chance to make course corrections early — and not waste time and money.

Experiment Planning
This technique helps you manage risk by rapidly and inexpensively testing the killer assumptions on a small scale so you can accelerate learning and ultimately iterate on your concept.