When would you use Concept Portfolio?
The portfolio is useful when there are more than a few concepts to be evaluated by the team for further development. The portfolio is often used after conducted initial rounds of ideation and there is a need to evaluate on a 2–3-dimensional basis.
Here’s where Concept Portfolio can be a difference maker:
- You have numerous starter ideas and need to visual your options
- You are working with a group and want to make fast decisions
- You want to visually capture and display the outputs from multiple rounds of an ideation workshop
How does Concept Portfolio work?
Select the ideas to evaluate
Align on the dimensions / criteria for evaluation
Map each concept by discussing/scoring the concept
Review the map, discuss concept placement & make adjustments
Select the prioritized ideas for further development
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Deliberate Innovation Concept Portfolio Tool Guide

Top Concept Portfolio Tips
When selecting your concept evaluation criteria... You want to be sure that it reflects the project goals and the project outcomes
Don’t assume everyone has the same definition. Ensure people understand the criteria before using the tool.
While the process of mapping your concepts can be quantitative, It can be easier to allow the facilitate to make this a more qualitative discussion at this stage
Encourage discussion when scoring your criteria. While the score is important, the team rationale on WHY you scored it is even more important
Record your reasons why you scored it higher or lower. This will help you later as you seek to improve and iterate on your idea.
While this exercise is heavily judgmental, By identifying weaknesses early on, this serves as an opportunity to iterate and improve the concept
Remember… Just because a concept isn't priortized at this stage doesn't that parts of that concept won't be integrated into your winning concepts at you iterate
More Concept Portfolio Tips & Stories
Storytelling is at the heart of our teaching and is essential for understanding new concepts. Here are some short stories and tips to continue to bring this tool to life.
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Concept Modeling