A Leadership Mission: Embedding Strategic Pillars across a Global Organization

A new senior leader asked us to help her on a high priority mission:  Inspire and Create Evangelism inside her new organization.  The new head of  global development had a 2,000+ person organization.  She had a vision and strategic pillars.  But she needed help in inspiring her leadership group, aligning them with this vision AND empowering them to turn strategy into action.

The Challenge

The new executive leader of  the global development sciences organization needed to ALIGN and INSPIRE her extended leadership team and develop actionable plans to accelerate her 3 strategic pillars.

She needed an inspiring kick-off event that rallies a core group of change agents (the 50 hand-selected change evangelists) AND prepare them to develop and deliver strategic plans for each of the pillars.

The Approach

We conducted a 2 part series of workshops.

Part 1 – Inspiration: We custom-designed an event that brought to life each of the key pillars which included customer centricity and innovation behaviors.  That event featured a panel of external thinkers who helped inspire the group to formulate a Team Charter and Preliminary Plans for each of the Strategic Pillars.

Part 2 – Action: We designed a virtual workshop in which a subset of participants produced a set of tactics that were aligned with each of their core team imperatives.


The Outcome

The event didn’t stop at the end of the 2 sessions. Over a 4-5 week period, the teams were provided a “Sprint Guide” and worked together to build out their action plans. Our team provided weekly coaching sessions for each of the working teams AND we provided presentation coaching.

In the end, each team presented their recommendations and actions plans to a board of senior leaders.   All three sets of action plans were approved and are being implemented by the leadership team.