When would you use Visual Brainstorming?
Visual brainstorming is best used in the following circumstances: Participants are struggling to put their ideas into words. You’ve already tried a traditional idea burst and the ideas were uninspiring. You need to break the monotony of a meeting or workshop
Here’s where Visual Brainstorming can be a difference maker:
- You’ve been talking and talking and all of your ideas feel like the same thing
- Your team isn’t coming up with anything new when you do traditional brainstorming
- You want to try a method that will help you tap into your “left brain” or more creative thinking style
How does Visual Brainstorming work?
Reflect on the problem / opportunity and allow your mind to wander
Start drawing while you are mentally modeling the idea
Express your drawing in words and give it a header
Share the ideas as a group and summarize the meaning of each illustration
Vote on top ideas
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Deliberate Innovation Visual Brainstorming Tool Guide

Top Visual Brainstorming Tips
Don’t Self-Edit Allow the pen to draw!
Don’t Have a Meeting with Yourself” – Allow your hands to work in parallel with your mind
“Don’t Aim for Perfection” – Nobody in the room is Picasso
Keep It Simple - Stick figures are cool!
Push Your Thinking – Strive for radical and far-reaching ideas – Think about the basic truths and challenge it by asking…. “What If?”
Focus on the Storytelling
More Visual Brainstorming Tips & Stories
Storytelling is at the heart of our teaching and is essential for understanding new concepts. Here are some short stories and tips to continue to bring this tool to life.
Additional Ideate Articles & Resources
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Lean Concept Canvas